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As a school we firmly believe that school uniform is very important. We are very passionate that our children should be wearing our school logo with pride and have the confidence to proclaim their school identity; it fosters a sense of community spirit alongside marketing our school locally. It also prevents the need for branding and showcasing the latest fashion trends which can lead to social and emotional class divides; a topic widely discussed in today’s society under the theme of mental health and well-being for children.

We are therefore very excited to begin rolling out our new uniform policy this academic year. The school has been fair and has made changes to the original policy based on comments made by both parents and children. We firmly believe these changes are for the better whilst keeping the high standard of uniform that we expect in addition to making it cost effective for parents.

The Governing Body, the School Leadership Team and the staff would like to thank you for your support with this matter.

“….without confidence and love, there can be no true education.”
St John Bosco